About This Course

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Hey there Crafter! Thank you so much for purchasing this course and trusting me to guide you along in your journey to creating beautiful snowglobe tumblers! This Boo Bear Bling Snowglobe Tumbler method was developed after countless hours of research, trial and error and practice!

This is not the only way to make snowglobe tumblers. However, I have perfected this method to produce tumblers with beautifully, slow flowing glitter mixtures; tumblers without a large air bubble; tumblers that are completely sealed, leak-proof and that will stay beautiful for a long time when properly cared for.

I'm so excited for you to learn how to make one using the Boo Bear Bling Method.

In this course you will receive a complete list of all the supplies you'll need to make a snowglobe tumbler and detailed, step-by-step instructions on how I create them from start to finish.

There are many different liquid solutions you can use to create a snowglobe tumbler, but in this course you will learn how to create one with a vegetable glycerin and water mixture. You will not learn how to create a snowglobe tumbler with any other liquid mixture.

Thank you again and I wish you the best of luck in your snowglobe tumber journey!

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